About Omineca Safe Home Society
The mission of the Omineca Safe Home Society is to have a safe, violence-free society for women and their children.
We are committed to providing free support and counselling for women who have experienced sexual assault, violence in relationships, or historical trauma, as well as grief and loss.
We also provide free outreach services, which include support, accompaniment, and referrals for many types of appointments (legal, medical, financial, social services, etc).
Our 24 hour Transition home is open for women and their children under nineteen (regardless of gender), who are leaving an abusive situation. All basic necessities are covered while in the Transition home (groceries, clothing, and hygiene products, etc).
We serve women from:
Nadleh Whuten
Fraser Lake
Fort Fraser
And surrounding communities
We are funded by:
the Ministry of Community Services
Community Programs Branch
Province of British Columbia
BC Housing
About Abuse
Are you concerned for yourself, a friend, or a family member?
If someone:
Hits, kicks, or punches you
Frightens you with their anger
Puts you down or tells you you are crazy
Keeps you away from friends and family
Prevents you from having your own money
Threatens or forces you to do things you don’t want to do
Treats you like a servant
…This is abuse.
You have a right to ask for help.
You are not trapped - there is help!
What to take with you if you leave home:
Driver’s License or ID
Birth certificates: Yours and your children’s
Money, Cheque book, credit cards
Lease, rental agreement, house deed
Bank book, bank statements
House keys, Car keys
Social Insurance Number (S.I.N.)
Address book, phone numbers
Care cards, medications, medical records: yours and your children’s
Please don’t wait until it is too late.
Use these numbers if you need to:
Emergency: Police, Ambulance - 911
Victim Link BC - 1 (800) 563-0808
Helpline for Children - 310-1234
Or call us:
Counselling and Outreach - 250-567-9959
After-Hours Crisis Line and Transition House - 250-567-9512
All calls are confidential, and you can call collect. There is no fee for any of these services.