Contact Omineca Safe Home Society
We offer a free, safe space, advocacy, support, and free counselling. Our services are completely confidential, and women focused.
We welcome self-referrals, referrals from other agencies (with the women's permission), and walk in’s.
FAQs about OSHS
Can I smoke inside the Safe Home?
Our building is a non-smoking facility.
Are Pets Welcome?
Pets are dealt with on a case-by-case basis - we do our best to find a temporary home for them.
I am currently using drugs and/or alcohol - does this mean I’m not welcome?
We are a low barrier transition house, however drugs and alcohol are not permitted in the house / on property.
What qualifies a woman to use the Safe Home’s services?
Women must be fleeing violence and/or abuse and/or feeling unsafe.
What is the definition of ‘Abuse’?
Abuse can be any of the following: being subjected to controlling behaviours, being kicked out of your home by your partner (or the threat of being kicked out), being yelled at, being scared, being withheld access to money, forced into isolation. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you are unsure if you are in an abusive situation.